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Dog Bites
The household pet may be our best friends, but dogs are still animals and animals can bite. Dog bites account for more than 90% of all animal bites. The majority of dog bites are received from a dog the recipient was familiar with, often a family pet or a friend’s dog. It is estimated that dogs bite nearly 5 million Americans every year, half of them children between ages 5 and 9. Injuries may involve structures deep beneath the skin including muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels. Dog bites can go much further than broken bones or scarring. The emotional trauma of a dog bite can last a lifetime. Often the initial “bite” is not as bad as the subsequent infection that comes as a result of the bite. Infections, including tetanus and rabies, need to be considered.

Information should immediately be obtained from the dog’s owner about the dog’s rabies immunization status. If information from the owner is not possible, seek information from hospitals, animal control centers, or law enforcement personnel. Rabies therapy, if necessary, must begin as soon as possible. The victim’s tetanus status also needs to be current.
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