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Medical Injury

heart disease

Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. A “medical error” is defined as a death, injury, or exacerbation of an underlying condition caused by inadequately skilled staff, an error in judgment or care, a system defect, or a preventable adverse effect. A recent Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000. Adding to the misleading of the public is that physicians, funeral directors, coroners, and medical examiners rarely note on death certificates the human errors and system failures involved. Doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants, and other healthcare workers are dedicated, caring people, but they are human. And human beings make mistakes. Patients need to be vigilant, ask questions, seek second opinions, do their own research, and consider bringing along an advocate to help process the information. And when a healthcare provider makes a mistake, seek legal assistance.

Do you have an injury that requires compensation?

Our supportive legal services can help you get the brighter future you deserve.