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Last Minute Trials
The Trial Lab has gained a reputation for successfully trying cases for other law firms and attorneys. The Trial Lab is the rare law firm that can competently provide effective trial representation at the eleventh hour. The Trial Lab is available for all trial work. We work with other law firms in a variety of ways. We are available to associate in, partner with, or accept a referral from another firm that has found itself at inevitable crossroads, often one they did not believe would come. Led by seasoned trial attorneys, we can step in as last-minute trial counsel (or step in alongside existing counsel as co-counsel). We have the ability to quickly evaluate a matter and leverage existing pretrial preparations, guided by our extensive and diverse jury trial experience. When we are brought in to try a case in the weeks before announcing ready for trial, we respect and honor pre-existing attorney-client relationships. We understand a client has a special relationship with their initial retained attorney and we constantly respect that trusted relationship, as well as try to build our own relationship with the client in the short time we have to prepare to tell their story to a jury. To that end, we have unique and compelling presentation skills. Our role as trial attorney is an empathetic and compelling storyteller, tasked with weaving our clients’ experience into a compelling narrative of law and fact.

Guided by unique methodologies developed at “The Ranch”, we are always telling our story through each and every witness we present or examine on the stand. Opening statements and closing arguments are crafted to appeal to the heart and minds of the jurors, the fact-finders who have the ultimate power to make right the wrongs suffered by our clients. Further, we delve into the motivation of adverse witnesses to understand why they might hold the adverse position they testify to, and then we tell our story to the jury through a contemplative lens intended to not only educate the jurors about the truth but also help them understand why they should help one of their own citizens who found themselves in a position they never imagined they would ever be in. When a law firm or a case is at the eleventh-hour crossroads, we can step in and develop the core story and ultimately educate and empower the jury to help provide justice for our clients.
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